Claims Recovery Financial Services (CRFS) announces expansion of client product offerings

For more than 15 years, CRFS has been the industry leader for delivering comprehensive investor and insurer claims management solutions across a diverse and expansive servicing clientele. CRFS’s services have helped clients to achieve unmatched quality results, submission timeliness, loss reductions, and recovery maximizations. CRFS’s independence and industry expertise provide its partners with the ability to reallocate vital internal resources, successfully scale production operations, and ultimately reduce risk while enhancing financial outcomes.

CRFS is pleased to announce the addition of new Consulting services, expanding its platform of defaulted-loan product offerings. The following added services complement CRFS’s claims processing solutions platform, allowing clients to choose from a comprehensive, full-plate menu of operational and data analytics Consulting services based on their unique business needs.

New CRFS Services

  • Investor / Insurer Mock HUD Audit Review service includes a comprehensive review of previously filed claims, as a preemptive measure to actual audits, to ensure claim-filing accuracy and / or identify areas of operational efficiency. Investor and insurer mortgage servicing audits are routine, so claim-filing accuracy is critical both from a regulatory and financial-exposure perspective.
  • Investor / Insurer HUD Audit Support service provides clients with front-to-back support in the event of an actual FHA claim audit. We will conduct an independent findings audit, support formal responses, and provide feedback around validity, training opportunities, and operational process recommendations.
  • Operational Enhancement Consulting engagements involve in-depth claim processing best practice studies conducted on-site by CRFS’s highly experienced consulting staff and cover areas including but not limited to claims processing workflow management, reporting routines, file preparation and processing guidelines, and adherence to investor/insurer rules and regulations.
  • Accelerated Disposition Dashboard analysis delivers strategic loan-level reviews, high-risk property assessments, and financial-exposure consequences associated with alternative asset liquidation options including REO, CWCOT, and traditional conveyance.
  • Surchargeable Damage (Property Preservation) Review service, offered in conjunction with the Accelerated Disposition Dashboard analysis, involves a comprehensive review of property inspection and preservation histories, ensuring that property conditions comply with third-party sale or property conveyance requirements relative to surchargeable damage (including mortgagee neglect).

The addition of the above-mentioned services provides clients with a comprehensive product scope, across all facets within the claims, audit quality assurance, and property liquidation environments. Whether a servicer’s needs involve an individual service or a bundled set of comprehensive services, CRFS will customize a plan based on the needs of each individual client.



Jeffrey Clark, Vice President, Director of Sales and Marketing
Office: 585.590.5422
Mobile: 585.455.0328