With over 75 years of combined management experience in post-default mortgage services outsourcing and consulting, CRFS is uniquely qualified to provide data-driven analytics to assist investors in maximizing the value of their EBO, NPL and MSR pool and whole loan investments. The CRFS team is knowledgeable in government rules and regulations that impact Investors and Insurers of mortgage assets, and we have extensive industry relationships that provide us access to a network of experts that supplement our in-house capabilities.
Our data analytics platform includes:
Indicative Timeline Review
- Completed on FHA loans in default for a period of 120 days or less
- Performs analysis based upon data files provided containing key milestones within the default process
- Outputs include:
- Identification of curtailment dates and amounts for missed timeframes
- Upcoming deliverable dates for the next milestone in the default process
- Executive summary outlining the overall status of the loan population
Deep Dive Timeline Review
- Completed on FHA loans in default for a period of time greater than 120 days and all VA or USDA loans in default
- Loan level document review to validate timeliness of the default events, identifying automatic or HUD approved extensions of time when applicable
- Outputs include:
- Identification of interest curtailment reason, date, and amount
- Identification of expense curtailment reason and date
- Upcoming deliverable dates for the next milestone in the default process
- Executive summary outlining the overall status of the loan population
Expense Management Review
- Completed on FHA loans in default for a period of time greater than 120 days and all VA or USDA loans in default
- Loan level expense review to identify compliance with regulatory guidelines and curtailment timeframes, and the availability of required supporting documentation
- Outputs include:
- Identification of recoverable and non-recoverable expenses from the applicable investor/insurer
- Recommendations on what expenses to exclude from funding with rationale/supporting documentation
- Executive Summary highlighting the risk profile of the non-performing loan population